
We look for different things as we go along life’s way. Later, when the sweat and blood is shed, we finally receive what we have been searching for and sometimes it just seems ‘not-so-worth it’ after all… On the other hand, we hold on to so many things our whole lives but when we let go and just give those things away freely and with a whole heart, we find a freedom and joy that nothing can bring. The joy of giving is especially greater than the joy of receiving. If you disagree, you need to try giving more and with a whole heart to know what this means… 🙂 As our Lord teaches us in Matthew 10:8, “You received without payment; give without payment”


All glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit




“This is harmless”, we often fool ourselves before we do something that we should not… We sin with little or no deep awareness of the repercussions of our sin. We are often blind or numb to it. Once we wake up and become aware of what our sin does, it will be easier to let go…


All glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit




It is a given that all of us take God’s protection for granted at some point if not all the time. We fail to see the all-encompassing power of His protection. He never tires and He never gets any rest. We may get tired of loving God, we may even seek a break from Him but God never gets a break from us. He is ALWAYS there. ALWAYS. As the Psalmist observes, “indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. ” Ps 121:4


All glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit




Remember the story of the woman who touched Jesus’ cloak in the Gospel of Mark (5:21-34) and Luke (8:40-48)? She was suffering with a problem for 12 years and when she knew she had NO other hope, she turned to Jesus. In her moment of utter hopelessness and after she had perhaps tried EVERY other possible way to get rid of her problem, she found a solution to her complications in the most simple way. She put her faith in Jesus. The CLOAK was only a symbolic act of faith. As Jesus said to her, “your faith has healed you”, it is our FAITH that will heal us, no matter how silly our act of faith may seem. We need to learn from this woman to get simple with God and just reach out in faith when we need to be healed. Just think of how many people in that very crowd missed out on an opportunity to get healed simply because they didn’t want to get simple with God?!


All glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit




There are times when we find ourselves in a crowd but alone. We may be “having fun” but feeling empty. We may be amidst the people we love but they can barely understand what we are going through at that point. Our Lord Jesus can inspire us at times like these. He never was understood, even by those he spent all His time with…
Often, Jesus “WENT TO THE MOUNTAINS TO PRAY”. We too should take a break from the crowd to spend some reflective time alone every once in a while…


All glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit


God’s Love


“No results found for God’s love on”  🙂
Inadequacy humbles me eveGod's loven as I embark on an attempt to put into words what God’s love means. As infinite as His love is, so inadequate is an attempt to summarise it. Simply because it is opposed to the nature of His love to be limited to anything, including words.

“God is love” (Jn 4:8) – a statement that we have heard so many times that it fails to elicit an overwhelming response anymore. Numbness overrides. We are so used to love that tingles our five senses that it becomes hard to accept love that we cannot see, hear, touch, feel or taste. To understand this we need to go to the roots of our ‘love experiences’. Every form of love that we come across has some (if not all) of its presence in the flesh or the physical realm. Parental love, the love of a sibling, that of a friend, love between a man and a woman-all have its manifestations or its fuel in the five senses.

So we cannot be blamed for seeking a similar experience with God. Our thought pattern often goes something like this, “If God loves me, I want to SEE Him. Let Him speak to me so I can HEAR His love. Why can’t He let me touch Him so I can FEEL His love?” Well, God does give us experiences in the physical realm and there is nothing wrong with seeking them but we need to first understand that our God is a God of the spirit and that the truest, purest manifestation of His love will be in the realm of the spirit. So, no matter how wonderful a physical experience of the Almighty can be, the truth is that an encounter in the spiritual realm is worth much more than one in the physical realm and it is far closer to the reality of God.  As Jesus teaches us, “God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” (Jn 4:24)

When we fail to have a physical experience of God’s love we often simultaneously fail to recognise it in any other form. This may lead to a deception that His love doesn’t exist at all or to a situation where we cannot accept His love. THE FOREMOST FAILURE IN MAN’S EXPERIENCE WITH DIVINE LOVE IS THE INABILITY TO ACCEPT IT. This can be due to a variety of subjective reasons:

  • God's love is hard to understandWe fail to accept God’s love because we don’t understand it. But how can we expect to get our heads around His love when we cannot even get our hearts around it! The reality is that we don’t need to understand it to accept it. Archbishop Futon Sheen once wisely said, “We can feel the warmth of a fire without understanding the chemistry of combustion.” That is exactly how God’s love is and it takes some amount of humility to lay our intelligence aside and accept something that we cannot understand. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Pro 3:5)
  • We fail to accept God’s love because we think we don’t deserve it or that we are unworthy of it. This is another BIG deception because the word of God teaches us that we are all unworthy “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23). But God’s love itself makes us worthy. So we are denying ourselves of refinement because of the very thing that we need to be refined of i.e. our unworthiness! Where is the sense in that?!
  • We struggle to reciprocate God's loveWe fail to accept God’s love because we don’t know how to respond or reciprocate. But the fact remains that it is impossible to give Him as much as He has given us. Our benchmark from human experiences deceives us to believe that love works only when we give as we get. It is all about give-and-take between humans. But with God, He will give and give and give… even if we have no intention of giving back and even if we have no desire to take! His love is ever-present all we need to do is to become conscious of it and receive it. When God the Father GAVE His only son (Jn 3:16), He wasn’t perturbed by how many sought not to receive Him. He just gave anyway and He always does this even with us on a day-to-day basis.

For every fortunate human being, the first experience of love is that of a mother or father; the first memory of love is that of a parent. But the unfortunate thing is that the initial yardstick for love in a person’s life has human origin which is by nature flawed. A harsh but true reality is that no matter how much love a parent shows a child, it will fall despondently short of the perfect love of God. Every other form of love that follows along life’s way has a similar effect- each one falling short of the other – all of them falling collectively short of the alpha-omega love of our creator. His is the Alpha of love and the Omega of love, yet ironically it has no beginning and end! Any experience of it is partial at any given point. The discovery of it is timeless and never-ending. God’s love is the antithesis of a bottomless pit that you fall and sink into endlessly. It is a limitless sky which you can rise up and soar into eternally. Love without end. Amen.


All glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit




You can search your whole life through but you will NEVER find a better mirror to look at yourself than the eyes of God. His eyes see you best and what’s more, they will NEVER lie!


All glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit




Sacrifice is a part of Christian life. But often we tend to glorify the sacrifices we make forgetting that no matter what we give up, no matter how dear it is to us and no matter how difficult the process of abstaining from something, it just won’t match up to the supreme sacrifice of the one who we make the sacrifice for…


All glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit




When the mind has run out of ideas, the heart is drained of excuses and the body just numb with exhaustion, its hard to find ONE thing that will rejuvenate all of these with equal and fulfilling effect. But there is not much of a search really. Try PRAYER. Its a recharge for body, mind, soul and spirit. And it never runs out… ANYtime, ANYwhere all you have to do is plug and pray!


All glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit




No matter who or where one is, irrespective of how successful/comfortable/happy a person is, one thing that is certain is that EVERYONE carries a ‘cross’. You may not even be aware of it and it may be one that you are numb to. However, the cross is an indispensable part of your existence and falling under the weight of that existential cross is a factor that binds us all. It is devastating to fall but we must remember that it is impossible to carry a cross without a stumble or two. Look to Him whom we are called to imitate- Jesus. He carried His cross with grace, despite His multiple falls. He carried a cross that He didn’t even deserve but He carried it without complaining even once… “For the sake of the joy that lay before him he endured the cross despising its shame” HEBREWS 12:2


All glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
